Saturday, December 3, 2011

550 Rep Fat Massacre by

Workout Breakdown

Time: ? minutes Workout Type: Time Challenge Exercises: 11
  • Backward Lunge Kick Up25 reps on each leg
  • Walk Over Push Up50 reps
  • Mountain Climber50 reps
  • Sumo Squats Knee Up50 reps
  • One Leg Bridge Leg Lift25 reps on each leg
  • Side to Side Squat & Leg Lift50 reps
  • One Arm Tricep Push Up25 reps on each arm
  • Star Crunch50 reps
  • Diagonal Touch Down25 reps on each side
  • Side Plank Lift25 reps on each side
  • One Leg Wall Sit25 reps on each leg

I was only able to get through half of this workout since my son woke up from his nap. And only doing half kicks your butt! It felt so good to truly workout hardcore. Blood , Sweat & Tears!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My New Rules

  1. Skipping the Sugar - sugar (white,brown & honey) , high-fructose corn syrup or dextrose on the ingredients label. High-fructose corn syrup. Since I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis , my body has a problem with joint/muscle pain & inflammation. Beneficial Fact: Consuming too much of it also promotes inflammation, which can increase your risk for heart disease and certain cancers and make you feel foggy and fatigued.
  2. Avoid Bad Fats - Saturated and trans fats. Examples: fried foods and anything made with hydrogenated vegetable oils. saturated fat (red meat, whole milk, cheese and butter). Oleic acid, the type of unsaturated fat in olive oil, avocados and nuts, don't have the same effect. Oleic acid also helps curb hunger and improves fat digestion.
  • Good Fats - Monounsaturated fats & Polyunsaturated fats. They are good for your heart, your cholesterol, and your overall health.  
    •  Monounsaturated fat : Olive oil,Canola oil,Sunflower oil,Peanut oil,Sesame oil,Avocados,Olives,Nuts (almonds, peanuts, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, pecans, cashews) & Peanut butter.
    •  Polyunsaturated fat : Soybean oil,Corn oil,Safflower oil,Walnuts,Sunflower, sesame, and pumpkin seeds , Flax seed,Fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, trout, sardines),Soy milk & Tofu. 
     3. Complete Lean Proteins - Lean ground beef, chicken breast, turkey breast, bison, salmon, tuna,egg whites,cottage cheese & low-fat yogurt. Lean Proteins help your body stabilizes blood sugar levels and helps you feel fuller longer.
  • Non-Animal Lean Proteins -  Whole-grain cereal, tofu and beans, spinach, carrots, tomatoes,cucumbers,apples,pineapples,broccoli,cauliflower,oranges,bananas,berries,pepper & green leafs.
4. Ease up on the booze - Drinking too much alcohol damages your liver & also giving you the "beer munchies" making you want to eat unhealthy foods. Also it increases your risk for high blood pressure & obesity. Plus it makes ache worse. 
  • I'm going to drinking at least 2 liters of water per day & glass of green tea per meal. Cutting down on my soft drink & coffee intake though. But I'm going to indulge myself with the occasional glass of red wine. Why, you may ask? There is a plus to drinking a little red wine. Resveratrol, the potent antioxidant in red vino, may help prevent cancer, keep your heart and brain healthy, reduce inflammation, and even help stave off diabetes! Just keep in mind too much of a good thing becomes bad in the long run.

   5.  Eat more Fiber - Fiber is a good weight loss tool. Fiber helps you by pulling cholesterol out of the bloodstream, moving it through the digestive tract. Yeah  I know the word fiber makes most wanna just go eat a cardboard box. It doesn't have to be that way. My favorite & delicious ways of getting a good amount of fiber in my diet are: GOLEAN Crunch cereal , Fiber Plus Antioxidants cereal, Pears, Plums, Apples & Bananas.

  6.Potion size & How often - A women's potion size should be as big as the palm of your hand, when eating lean protein. For men it's double. Having 5 meals a day & eating every 3-4 hours, helps your body  stabilize your blood sugar level.

These aren't simple or easy rules...but taking baby steps & eliminating the "bad habits" one at a time will make it easier on you. To where you will most likely stick to it & will become second nature to where your body wont want "bad" food. Hope this was helpful & you can take my rules & tweak them to where they most benefit you.

    Tuesday, November 29, 2011

    Yoga is not a religion...

    It’s a technique of physical movements leading to improved health. Yoga isn't some new age hippie bullshit either. I have always been a septic about yoga. Things I thought about Yoga before I truly tried it.

    Yoga Myths I believed
    • The Myth - I have always been as stiff as cement, so I can’t do yoga.
          The Truth - Unless you are ballet dancer or gymnast, it’s very normal if you feel tight, so don’t worry if touching your toes seems impossible. The good news is that with regular practice, yoga is extremely effective at improving flexibility.
    •  The Myth - I already work out at the gym, I don’t need to do yoga too.
          The Truth – Although many forms of exercise provide a wonderful physical workout, only yoga can also claim to be a therapeutic system that helps heal injuries, improve chronic illness, and balance mental stress.
    •  The Myth – Yoga is just for girls.
          The Truth – While it’s true that certain things (like pink lip gloss) are just for girls, yoga is not one of them.  Historically, some of the greatest yoga teachers for over 2000 years have been men. 
    • The Myth - I tried a yoga class once, but it’s too slow and boring.
          The Truth – Some styles of yoga, such as Gentle are indeed slow paced, but Flow or Vinyasa classes offer a faster, dynamic pace and endless exciting challenges.
    • The Myth – I'm afraid that taking yoga will force me to adopt a religion.
          The Truth – Yoga is not a religion, it’s a technique of physical movements leading to improved health.  If yoga has a belief system, it’s simply to become more connected to your body.
    • The Myth – I can’t do yoga – I like to go out with my friends for a couple of glasses of wine.
          The Truth – Relax, you can still enjoy a glass or 2 (or even 3) of wine and be a yogi. Over time you may find yourself naturally leaning towards a healthier lifestyle, but there is no requirement to change.
    There is more than just being Sexy or  Buff. Yoga truly helps you be overall healthy in more than one way.
    1. Weight Loss - Exactly what we are all trying to do, with little success.
    2. More Energy - Personally as a Mom, I know I have my days where nothing is going to get done since I don't even have the energy to want to get up outta bed. But forcing myself to do my AM: Awaken Your Body & Mind routine, 10 mins.(By yogaworks) It refreshes me & wakens me, to have the energy I need to get what needs to be done.
    3. Happier Mood / Balanced Mood - I for one love being in a better mood. I have Thyroid disease, which messes with my emotions / moods. You can read more about it in my About Me.
    4. Improved Sleep - Personally as  Mom, I am exhausted at the end of my day but I am unable to fall to sleep. Since I'm running through my lists of things I need to do....ect. Doing the PM: Relax & Unwind routine does wonders. Only takes 10 mins. , I'm all for taking 10 mins before bed to be able to sleep all night & wake feeling awesome.
    5. Focus / Calmer Mind - This helps a lot when I have a lot going on & I'm pretty much running around like a chicken with its head cut off. 
    6. Enhanced Athletic Ability / Decreased Back pain - I had gotten in a bad car wreck my freshmen year of High School. We were going about 45 mph on a curved road. And rolled the car 5 times. Taking out a sign in the process. I ended up with 12 staples in my head & a 20 pound weight shift in my back. I went to a chiropractor for 3 years & did physical therapy. Nothing helped. Until now!
    I hope this helps you have a more open mind about yoga & all it's awesome benefits. 

    Monday, November 28, 2011

    Baby Steps

    This is going to be my first baby steps towards my goal of becoming overall healthy & sexy. I hope that blogging my daily workout & diet plans, will help me stick to it. To have proof of progress. Most of all I hope to encouage others on their journey to becoming healthy & sexy. As well as get support back from my readers. I would really love to hear about your journey & what is working for you & what isn't. Wish me luck!